This team focuses on resources related to food and nutrition including but not limited to food access, school cafeterias, gardens, and disease prevention.
This team focuses on resources related to food and social emotional learning, bullying, access to mental & behavioral health services, and more.
This team focuses on resources related to science-based biology and physiology for human health and development, including reproductive health.
This team focuses specifically on resources related to Native communities with a focus on diversity, equity, inclusion, belonging of cultural practices and connectedness, and cultural adaptations.
This team focuses on resources related to physical education & activity including but not limited to adaptations for standard recess & physical activities, funding for equipment, and more.
This team focuses on resources and changes related to the safety of students and school staff including but not limited to physical & digital spaces and mental health.
This team focuses researching & advocating for best practices in school health.
This team focuses on resources and initiatives related to the prevention and mitigation of substance use among students.
This action team focuses on resources and strategies for improved teacher wellness & satisfaction.
Additional Resources
Looking for additional resources?
Visit the Arizona Dept. of Education’s Comprehensive School Wellness Program page. They host additional resources, including technical assistance and the Healthy Happenings monthly newsletter.
Arizona School
Health & Wellness Coalition
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